But First
What to expect
"Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise.
The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given man that he should proclaim the Word of God through music."
-Martin Luther
GTM Ministries partners with a variety of ministries around the world, identifying needs and opportunities where music mission teams might be used in a unique way to spread the gospel of Christ. When a ministry or host requests a team, then through our network of musicians, ministries and artists of multiple genres, we find a team that fits their needs.
What does GTM stand for?
GTM stands for Gospel Through Music. This is both the name and direction of the organization.

What do you do on a music Mission Trip?
GTM's music mission teams are used on the mission field in a variety of ways such as playing for special events or projects that a ministry is hosting, working with or helping music departments in churches; workshops for music leaders, worship teams, musicians, and choirs; music camps for children and youth; concerts in churches, schools, prisons, hospitals, festivals; performing at secular events; partnering with university music schools for guest artist events; cultural exchange events, etc. The opportunities are endless.
In addition to the music, there may be other ways our local partners have requested for the music mission team to participate in, such as street or door to door evangelism, kid's programs, feeding programs, teaching Bible classes, etc.
How do I apply?
You can apply for a trip on our site, today! Just follow the link.
How early do I need to sign up for a music mission trip?
This depends on how early you can go. Keep in mind that you have to raise funds first, and also follow the payment deadlines of GTM Ministries. We suggest you book your music mission trip no later than 6 months prior to the trip.

How do I best prepare for a trip?
We encourage you to check out our Team Tools page for great help as you prepare for your music mission trip.
Is this only for US artists?
The majority of the artists/musicians that go on music mission trips with us are from the USA. This is mainly because it is where we started out, as well as being based out of the USA. One of the reasons is also because the concept of mission trips is well known among Christians there. However, in the last few years, we have had more people from other countries go on a music mission trip, and we hope that Christian musicians everywhere will go on music mission trips. We WELCOME any nationality to join!
Do I have to be a professional musician?
Many of our music missionaries are professional/very skilled musicians. In many cases that is important for the type of music mission work we do. However, there are many types of trips you can do where that is not as important; and you are very welcome to join. Whether you are a worship team, choir, music student, music class from a school, etc. Contact us to find the best trip for you!
Can I bring someone who’s not a musician with me?
Yes. Some trips have a very limited number of people that can go, and in those cases, it is usually more difficult to bring someone who is not a part of the music team. However, there are trips where we can add more people, and they can have other roles (such as preachers/evangelists, someone that will pray, take pictures/video, and/or serve in other ways). For example; your church can do a trip, and you could have a music team, preacher and anyone else that would like to serve as required on the trip. We can customize a trip like this for those interested.
What countries can I go to?
GTM Ministries has worked in almost 25 countries on 4 continents. We don’t do all countries every year, and there are usually new ones every year as well. We suggest you check out FIND A TRIP to see what trips/countries are currently available. We can also usually customize a trip for a larger group to a country, not on this list.
Where is the best place to bring a large team?
There are several locations that work for a larger team. We currently recommend especially Nicaragua and Belize. We have wonderful partner camps in Nicaragua (very large teams can go here), and Belize (up to about 30 people). We can also customize trips to other places, such as Norway and several other European countries. Please contact us for more info on this, as it depends somewhat on the type of group you are sending. Keep in mind that if you are bringing a large group, you should plan this as early as possible.
How many are in a team? Can I have a really large team?
Most of our teams are small; from 1-5 people. However, we do teams almost all sizes, so please feel free to apply with a large group; such as choirs, orchestras, music classes, church groups ++ We will then customize a trip specifically for your group.
How about vaccinations?
Most countries we go to do not require vaccinations. However, some do. You are personally responsible to check out and get the vaccinations required or recommended in the area. You can check out https://www.who.int/ith/2016-ith-county-list.pdf for information about the country you are going to. Keep in mind that different countries may have different requirements, so you can check with your local health provider for more specific information.
Your vaccines are not included in the MMT Cost, and you are responsible for this expense.
Where will I be staying?
This depends on the type of trip you are on. Sometimes it is a hotel, in someone’s home, or we rent an apartment, or you stay at a mission camp, etc. We strive to get the best lodging possible within the budget; where it is safe and clean, and you have a toilet and shower available.
Can I go by myself or do I need to have a team?
This depends on the type of trip. Sometimes the trip is for one person (usually a European one where you teach choir…and often then it is for a person that can both teach, play and sing), and mostly it is for more than one person. If you don’t have a team, we can put together the team, so please still apply even
if it is just you.
What has been a challenge to us is when someone applies that plays an instrument other than keys (such as drums and bass etc), because we may not always have trips when they are looking for a band not already together. However, we hope to do more trips in the future when we can also put together a band. So, we suggest you still fill out the application, and we can let you know when there is a need for your instrument, etc. ​